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Maasai Mara Safaris

Camping Ideas for Couples

Going camping as a couple is one of the best decisions you can ever make. It gives you two a wonderful time to enjoy nature together. We are going to give you some of the best camping ideas for couples to ensure you have a splendid experience.

From our camping experiences, we are going to share several camping ideas for couples. This ranges from choosing a good camping group, selecting the best gear, games to play during camping, and romantic camping ideas among others.

Top Camping Ideas for Couples

Below are some of the best ideas you can adopt during your next camping trip as a couple.

  1. Choose the Best Camping Destination

Camping in a good and serene environment is the thin line between a good or bad camping experience as a couple. If the location is not good you will start regretting the moment you set your feet in that place.

A good location is one with good views and proper amenities. Camping on the shores of a lake (e.g., Lake Elementaita or Lake Naivaisha), banks of a river (e.g., at River Sagana) or base camping at Mount Kilimanjaro is a very good experience. It gives a couple the chance to sit down and relax to a cool breeze, wonderful nature sounds, and breathtaking views.

Camping on the shores of Lake Elementaita
Camping on the shores of Lake Elementaita

This is in comparison to camping somewhere by the roadside with nothing to watch but passing cars. This can be very boring and lead to a long night. It can be unsafe too.

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  1. Camp with Other People

Based on personal experience, camping is usually more fun when done in a group of either familiar faces or easy-going people. This allows people to chit-chat and play games, especially around a bonfire.

However, this does not mean you cannot camp two people as long as you are okay with it.

  1. Carry the Best Camping Gear

The camping site will be your home for one or more nights. It is thus very important to ensure that you have carried all the necessary camping gear. Some camping sites provide the necessary gear from utensils, tents, camping mattresses, sleeping bags, or other beddings.

Some camping sites don’t provide the above and thus it is very crucial to carry gear. As a couple, you need the best gear to ensure you are comfortable when camping.

Instead of going for 2 sleeping bags, we highly suggest you go for a good quality double camping mattress to share. Also, remember to carry other camping necessities like food and lanterns.

Most camping sites are secure. However, if you prefer more comfort and safety than what a tent can offer, do car camping. You can transform your vehicle into a camping cabin.

To accomplish this, you will need adjustable seats in your vehicle and also carry a car camping mattress (air mattress) that is portable and also comfortable when inflated. This will be placed on the vehicle’s floor or folded seats. A double mattress is better than two sleeping bags for a couple. It is warmer and comfier to sleep while holding each other than everyone tucked like a duck in their sleeping bags.

Cars are usually warmer and you can also use the vehicle’s AC to warm up or cool the space. Remember to park your car where you are not blocking other people otherwise you might be woken in the middle of the night to move your vehicle.

  1. Engage in Other Activities Too

When planning a camping trip, it is highly recommended to incorporate other activities too like hiking, trekking, open water swimming, water rafting, fishing, or anything else that excites you.

Trekking and photos along Lake Elementaita
Trekking along Lake Elementaita during a camping trip

It would be very boring to spend the whole time at the camping site. Camping sites are usually fun in the evenings (bonfire time) and morning hours (sunrise and chill).

  1. Carry Some Games

It is always a good idea to carry with you some camping games for couples or groups such as Jenga or Monopoly. This comes in handy especially at the bonfire or when chilling during sunrise or having a sundowner.

Closing Remarks

The above are some of the best camping ideas for couples you can try out. They are based on personal camping experiences. If executed, camping with your better half will be a wonderful time.

You can be more creative and come up with other ideas to make your camping experience more fun. May you have a nice time outside there. Cheers!

1 Comment

  1. This is very informative in preparation for our Kenyan camping trip at Elementaita.

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